Invest In The Future Of Transportation With A Crypto Solution.

Relay Point is building the firs of its kind use case for blockchain through the network effets of combining transportation, crypto, and marketing. At our heart we are a technology company built on the foundation of the $75 billion on demand transportation industry and are looking to expand on the functions of the blockchian by unifying transportation and marketing. Check out our Executive Summary and Investor Presentation.

Unit Price: $5.00 Minimum Investment: $1,500
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The Relay Vision Is To Unify Transportation For Everyone.

Relay is giving access to a variety of luxury transportation options, that intertwine business, promoters, and consumer networks for safe arrivals to customers specific experiences. Cypto and Blockchain is a disruptive force in every facet of industry, jump on board as we disrupt the transportation and marketing industries. We are connecting crypto, transportation, and marketing through business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and business-tobusiness0to consumer networking. Uber and Lyft changed the passenger transportation industry. Relay Point will revolutionize it!

Executive Summary | Investor Presentation

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Invest In Transportation, Crypto, And Marketing By Investing In One Company

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Relay Point aspires to create a multiverse centered around the gamification of transportation and marketing. This ecosystem should not only be available to users of this multiverse, but users and investors should have the opportunity to profit from it as well. Join us in our public offering of our public shares through our current Regulation A+ Offering.

Check Out Our
Executive Summary  |  Investor Presentation

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